Saturday, September 3, 2011

High school facebook reunion

I'm now 35 years old. I've had a facebook account since it began in Australia, and used to have about 100 friends - mostly people I didn't even speak to when we were at school together. I hardly ever posted and usually used facebook as some kind of spying agent. This nearly always ended up in some serious negative-comparison depression as I'd see one classmate travel the world as a film editor, another with 5 children a husband and paid-out mortgage and another in a thousand party snapshots looking hotter than ever. Depression aside though,  it really bothered me when I'd witness warm exchanges between the school princess and the plainest outcast, as though these two people had a lifetime of love together and did not, in fact, spend 6 years in mutual disregard. Am I immature? Am I emotionally under-developed to think this is bullsh? Maybe. 

After the Great Friend Cull of 2011, I now only have about 30 friends - people I actually DO care about. My world is smaller, but better for it. 

Watcher Reader Thinker.